Tuesday 18 October 2016

Introduction to SCALA : Why Scala ? Day 1 Learnings

Why Scala ?

Scala is a language that addresses the needs of the modern software developer. It is a statically typed, mixed-paradigm, JVM language with a succinct, elegant, and flexible syntax, a sophisticated type system, and idioms that promote scalability from small, interpreted scripts to large, sophisticated applications. That’s a mouthful, so let’s look at each of those ideas in more detail:

A JVM and JavaScript language

Scala exploits the performance and optimizations of the JVM, as well as the rich ecosystem of tools and libraries built around Java. But it’s not limited to the JVM! Scala.js is an experimental port to JavaScript.

Statically typed

Scala embraces static typing as a tool for creating robust applications. It fixes many of the flaws of Java’s type system and it uses type inference to eliminate much of the typing boilerplate.

Mixed paradigm—object-oriented programming

Scala fully supports object-oriented programming (OOP). Scala improves Java’s object model with the addition of traits, a clean way of implementing types using mixin composition. In Scala, everything really is an object, even numeric types.

Mixed paradigm—functional programming

Scala fully supports functional programming (FP). FP has emerged as the best tool for thinking about problems of concurrency, Big Data, and general code correctness. Immutable values, first-class functions, functions without side effects, “higher-order” functions, and function collections all contribute to concise, powerful, correct code.

A sophisticated type system

Scala extends the type system of Java with more flexible generics and other enhancements to improve code correctness. With type inference, Scala code is often as concise as code in dynamically typed languages.

A succinct, elegant, and flexible syntax

Verbose expressions in Java become concise idioms in Scala. Scala provides several facilities for building domain-specific languages (DSLs), APIs that feel “native” to users.

Scalable architectures

You can write small, interpreted scripts to large, distributed applications in Scala. 

Four language mechanisms promote scalable composition of systems: 
1) mixin composition using traits
2) abstract type members and generics
3) nested classes and 
4) explicit self types.
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